K.U.L.T Kress Duo
Precision weed control within an inch of the row
Working principle:
- Special cut-away discs cut the soil away within an inch of the row.
- This cutting action by discs means that virtually no soil is thrown into the row that would bury young seedlings.
- The cut-away discs are also ideal in crusted soil – where knives would rip up whole clods and dislodge seedlings in the row, the cutting action of the discs means that even in crusted soil, a clean cut is made on either side of the crop row.
- This clean cutting action with no soil thrown into the row allows the Duos to be used as soon as your crop can be seen.
- Angled knives follow the cut-away discs to cultivate shallowly up to 18” on either side of the row.
- For ridge culture, special blades can be added to cultivate the sides of the ridge.
Special features:
Discs are adjustable in all directions for maximum adaptability to your field conditions.
The angle of attack of the side-knives (angle into the ground) is also adjustable, in order to change their aggressiveness and working-depth.
Discs, side-knives, and gauge-wheels are all adjustable to fit any row-spacing.
DUO-Parallelogram 5 rows, mounted to Argus toolbar with manual steering.
Duos, because they include their own parallel linkage, can be added to your existing toolbar.